Our Talent Acquisition team talks about finding and hiring the right candidates.
Your FinTech Opportunity Awaits
Thinking about a job in FinTech? Given the industry’s explosive growth the last few years, it certainly would be a wise career move. Recent statistics would support such a decision, too:
• The global financial services market is projected to reach $26.5 trillion by 2022.*
• From 2021 to 2025, the global FinTech market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 23.58%.*
• Three out of four people worldwide have used a FinTech service.*
InComm Payments is at the forefront of financial technology’s (FinTech’s) rise, launching groundbreaking payment technologies, establishing exciting new partnerships and expanding its worldwide presence. And talented people are needed to power its continued growth. To get a look at how InComm Payments identifies and hires superstar applicants across its business units and markets, we gathered together several of the company’s top Talent Acquisition team members for an enlightening discussion. Joining in our roundtable confab are:
• Mike Phillips, Talent Acquisition Director
• Tiffany Lambert, Talent Acquisition Partner
• Kayla Heffron, Talent Acquisition Partner
• Kim Johnson, Talent Acquisition Partner
“The thought of being involved in the digital world and the future of payments is a big draw for a lot of job seekers. But once they start speaking with Talent Acquisition and go through the interview process, they become even more attracted by our culture and the sheer nature of what we do.”
Tiffany Lambert
Insights: Welcome everyone. First question, is InComm Payments hiring?
Mike Phillips: Yes, we are definitely hiring. I’ve been here almost six years and don’t think we’ve ever stopped! InComm Payments is growing around the world, so not only do we have openings across our U.S. business units but throughout our global network, too – from Japan and Canada to Brazil and Mexico. Hiring efforts are also ongoing in places that are relatively new on the map for us. So, we have positions to fill quite literally around the world.
Insights: Talk about the types of positions/openings available.
MP: Given the complexity of InComm Payments’ business, there is a wide range. At our Atlanta headquarters, under the sales umbrella, we have multiple types, everything from account management to business development. Then getting into I.T., we have operations, project management, finances, security and engineering positions. Then there’s operations, like our team in Columbus, GA, which includes financial and fraud services. There’s the Frontline Operations Support (FLOS) team out of Salt Lake City, UT; teams we would consider operationally-focused.
Tiffany Lambert: Our other markets are primarily microcosms of our Atlanta headquarters. I handle talent acquisition outside the U.S., including Canada, Latin America, Europe, Australia and Japan, and like Atlanta, we’re hiring partner account managers, product managers, and for operations and supply chain roles. In particular, Latin America and Japan have been big growth areas for InComm Payments.
Kayla Heffron: I’m focused on recruitment for InComm InCentives and InComm Healthcare and we’re definitely hiring. The openings in these business units include, I.T., account management and sales.
MP: We’re recruiting for positions within our core business, which started out as gift cards, as well as our modern business model, which is payments solutions. All of the operations and platforms that branch off our core business are growing. We’re hiring around a lot of future-based initiatives, too. For instance, InComm Payments has been moving toward cloud-based platforms that need to be built over time – and we need forward-thinking tech people who can move us toward these goals.
Insights: Has there been any drop-off in your recruitment during the pandemic?
KH: There was a little bit of a lull for the first few months when the coronavirus initially hit, just because there were unknowns about what its impact would be. But once remote working took full effect, Talent Acquisition has been busier than ever. We are absolutely recruiting and hiring – for a lot of new positions, as well.
Insights: What attracts applicants to InComm Payments?
Kim Johnson: I think it’s because we are a FinTech company and are a leader in that space. In what can be a tough economy, InComm Payments is in a strong position and continues to grow.
TL: They are intrigued by our industry, for sure. The thought of being involved in the digital world and the future of payments is a big draw for a lot of job seekers. But once they start speaking with Talent Acquisition and go through the interview process, they become even more attracted by our culture and the sheer nature of what we do.
KH: Since we are largely a B2B organization, we offer applicants the opportunity to work with many major companies, which interests a lot of people. Getting to partner and build relationships with awesome global businesses is exciting. Many of our partners are listed on the InComm Payments website, so applicants can go there and see that we work with some really cool companies.
Insights: When you meet applicants, what are some things that they are surprised to learn about the company?
MP: Number one is that InComm Payments is a start-up success story; that it started in a basement. Brooks Smith, our founder, had an idea and he made it happen. Combine this with all the employees who have contributed over the years and the result is this incredible organization with innovative products and services around the world, all built in just a couple of decades.
KH: Applicants are surprised to learn that they have used our products and interacted with InComm Payments most of their lives. They never knew that we’re behind the gift card. It makes us attractive to them because we’re almost like this hidden gem, in a sense. Once they realize that we’re the machine behind all this prepaid activity, it’s very exciting and compelling to them.
TL: You can almost see the lightbulb go off in an applicant’s head when they discover all that we’re doing behind the scenes. They’re also impressed by the level of communication and collaboration that goes on here, between I.T. and operations and marketing and other departments. It’s always exciting to see people get excited about our story.
Insights: Does being headquartered in Atlanta, a true FinTech hub, help your recruiting efforts?
MP: It’s definitely an advantage and we tap into that momentum that Atlanta is a thriving FinTech center. It aligns us with other known companies from a reference standpoint and allows us to get in front of candidates where other companies may struggle because they don’t have alliances with the greater industry. It gives jobs seekers a frame of reference, too. Being a FinTech company makes candidates more interested in us because they’ve heard that it’s a growing industry.
Insights: Do you find that Atlanta has a greater FinTech talent pool to choose from?
KH: Absolutely. There is a large number of people around Atlanta with FinTech experience that fit with our environment. While our business is unique, there are experiences and knowledge gained at other FinTech firms that can be easily transitioned to InComm Payments.
Insights: Do you need to be a tech person to work at InComm Payments?
KJ: You do not. While we are a technology company, we have many groups within the organization that are not tech-based but are just as important, including account management and sales. There are a lot of opportunities in I.T. for sure, but there are many great positions across the board, really.
TL: I would say that you need to be somebody with a sincere interest in technology and how it is shaping our future. We certainly hire people in several different disciplines, from accounting to marketing to sales to customer support. You don’t need to have a tech skill set, but you need to have a passion for and a sincere interest in it. You certainly cannot be afraid of technology.
Insights: Is there a strategy in place to hire diverse applicants?
KJ: Hiring diverse people comes naturally to us. I must say that our company’s diversity was a big attraction for me. After my first interview, I noticed a lot of diverse people walking around the office, so it was evident to me that this was a welcoming place. And working here, I realized this even more. InComm Payments has diversity throughout the organization, in individual contributor and management roles.
TL: I think diversity is our best-kept secret. When you go through our doors at the Atlanta headquarters, it is very evident that we are recruiting a very diverse group of people. We have a large population of females and people of color. I think we are organically or naturally drawn to making sure our population is diverse.
KH: We don’t have to work too hard to hire diverse people, either. Fortunately, we get a wide range of applicants from all walks of life for our open positions.
Insights: InComm Payments has a very robust intern program called Epic. Do you work with this group to identify and hire future employees?
MP: Dean Matthews heads up the Epic program and does a fantastic job, evangelizing InComm Payments and FinTech and bringing students into it.
KJ: We engage with Epic all the time because we know that all of the interns have gone through some type of program where they have partnered or worked with different groups within the organization. Many times, it is an easy transition to some of our level one positions, which are ideal for a graduating intern who is looking for a full-time position.
TL: Finding talent and garnering their interest in InComm Payments at an early stage is certainly helpful to the company to build a pipeline of good people. We have huge success rates in converting those Epic program interns into permanent employees.
MP: The retention of those students is in the 70 to 80 percent range. So, it is an invaluable tool in helping us bring on solid employees.
Insights: Great discussion! Thank you for sharing such great information about recruitment. Once last question, what is it like to work at InComm Payments?
MP: InComm Payments really offers great experiences for employees because of the skills they can acquire here and the opportunities to grow. It’s a great place for a get-it-done person. People here are looking for ways to do things better, whether it’s serving a customer or creating a platform. Innovation is a foundational value at InComm Payments and our employees live up to that.
KJ: One thing I will say is that no matter what department you work in, everyone is very collaborative.
TL: There is a constant hum of positive energy – and the pace is fast. Company-wide, employees are very engaged. No day is ever the same, which is great.
KH: Candidates often ask what it’s like to work at InComm Payments and I tell them that it’s the people. I know it sounds cliché but it’s true! All of the employees and managers I get to work with on a day-to-day basis are great. It’s a very fun place to work.
To learn more about job opportunities at InComm Payments, visit our careers page.